Four Veteran Communications Staffers Promoted
Date Added: April 24, 2014 12:00 pm

Four Veteran Communications Staffers Promoted
Fielding more than a million calls for service annually, the Sheriff’s Communications Center is a busy and hectic work center and among the largest civilian components at the agency. And now, four recently-promoted civilian employees are more than ready to help meet the challenge as they take on added supervisory duties at the Communications Center.
The Communications Center is the first point-of-contact for citizens seeking public safety services. More than two years ago, police, fire and rescue dispatching services for all 16 cities in Volusia County were consolidated under the Sheriff’s Office. Last year, the Communications Center fielded 1.1 million calls for service -- including 317,637 911 calls.
Sheriff Johnson calls the Communications employees the unsung heroes of the agency. “The green uniforms are the most visible aspect of the service that we provide to the public,” said Sheriff Johnson. “But we couldn’t provide that service without the behind-the-scenes support staff. They’re the ones who help us get the job done.”
At a recent staff meeting, Sheriff Johnson recognized four of those civilian communications employees who were promoted into positions of greater responsibility. Between them, they have a combined 33 years of service with the Sheriff’s Office. They include Clare Smith, who was promoted to telecommunicator coordinator, Marirma Perez, Allaina Luna and Gina Evans, who were all promoted to telecommunicator supervisors.
Two of the four, Evans in 2008 and Smith in 2010, were previously selected as the agency’s top telecommunicator of the year.