Special Event Zone To Take Effect For Unpermitted 'Trucktoberfest' Event
Date Added: October 19, 2022 12:13 pm

Andrew Gant
Office of Public Affairs & Media Relations
As provided by Florida law, Sheriff Chitwood is designating a SPECIAL EVENT ZONE for this weekend’s potential unpermitted Trucktoberfest event in the Daytona Beach and Daytona Beach Shores areas.
The designation takes effect at 8 a.m. Friday and will remain in effect as long as necessitated by the event.
Effective in 2022, Florida law authorizes the sheriff or chief administrative officer of a county or municipality to designate an area as a special event zone in response to a special event, defined as an unpermitted activity or event organized or promoted via a social media platform which is attended by 50 or more persons and substantially increases or disrupts the normal flow of traffic on a roadway, street, or highway. The law:
- Doubles the statutory fine for any noncriminal traffic infraction that occurs within a special event zone.
- Allows a law enforcement officer to impound a vehicle for up to 72 hours for any noncriminal traffic infraction or criminal traffic violation that occurs in a special event zone.
- Authorizes a law enforcement officer to enforce occupancy limits in a special event zone.
- Provides for the recovery of costs associated with designating and enforcing a special event zone from the organizer or promoter of the special event.
The special event zone stretches from the northern tip of Bellair Plaza in Daytona Beach south to Daytona Beach Shores. Signs are posted indicating the boundaries of the zone with warnings that vehicles will be towed for infractions and violations.