Turn in Unwanted Prescription Drugs Saturday at Area VSO Sites
Date Added: October 27, 2022 1:35 pm

Laura Williams, Office of
Public Affairs & Media Relations
This Saturday you can safely rid your home of unwanted prescription drugs – to prevent a tragic accident or intentional misuse AND keep them out of our water supply.
From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, unwanted medications may be dropped off at these four Volusia Sheriff’s district offices as part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take Back Day:
• District 2: 1706 S. Woodland Blvd., DeLand;
• District 3 North: 1435 U.S. 1, Suite D-3, Ormond Beach;
• District 4: 1691 Providence Blvd., Deltona;
• District 6: 79 S. Charles Beall Blvd., DeBary;
Can’t make it Saturday? No worries. Besides Saturday’s Take Back Day, each VSO site has a locked, steel mailbox-style disposal receptacle so you can safely dispose these medications anytime during regular business hours all year long, no questions asked.
Or Volusia County residents may call a deputy to pick up the medications. Call our non-emergency number, (386) 248-1777, to request a pickup.
This national event is so important, it’s held twice a year – in April and October.
Opioid addiction remains out of control in the United States. Most people who abuse prescription medication received the medicine from a family member or friend, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that in the United States, approximately 107,622 people died as the result of a drug poisoning last year. This means someone in the United States dies of a drug poisoning every five minutes.
Removing unneeded medications from homes can prevent injuries and overdose deaths, and lessen the chance of opioid addiction even starting.
PROPERLY DISPOSING MEDS: Collection sites WILL collect tablets, capsules, patches and other forms of prescription drugs. We WON’T accept syringes, sharps needles or illicit drugs. Keep liquid products, such as cough syrup, sealed in their original container. The cap must be tightly sealed to prevent leakage.
VAPING MATERIAL DISPOSAL: The DEA will collect vape pens or other e-cigarette devices from individual users only after the batteries are removed from the devices. The DEA is not responsible for removing the batteries from the devices. If the battery can’t be removed, check with large electronic chain stores who may accept the vape pen or e-cigarette devices for proper disposal. Or contact a local hazardous materials management facility to see if they accept these devices, and for additional information about proper disposal.
In April 2022, the DEA collected and destroyed 360 tons of unneeded drugs during the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day events. In Florida, 533,120 pounds were collected and disposed of.
The DEA web site www.dea.gov/resources offers important resources for locating drug treatment programs as well as how to identify counterfeit pills, preventing drug addiction and more.
Thanks, everyone, for doing your part to protect your home and our environment.